
All the references and sources used in my conferences: past, present and ... future!

April 21, 2024 - 10 minutes reading
GreenIO Blog - All the references and sources used in my conferences: past, present and ... future!

In this article, I listed all the sources and the references I have used and I'm still using in my conferences. They are either in English (EN) or in French (FR). Some references are deprecated and are marked [Depr.]

Resources on Climate Change and other crisis (non-IT related)


2022 in Review: Global Temperature” Climate Central. January 12, 2023. EN/ES.

Annual 2022 Global Climate Report”  National Centers for Environmental Information. March 8, 2024. EN.

‘Mind-boggling’ methane emissions from Turkmenistan revealed” Carrington, D. May 9, 2023. EN.

Heatwave in Western Europe” European Space Agency. June 21, 2022. EN

Climate Prediction Center NOAA “ NOAA National Weather Service. October 13, 2023. EN

"Coastal Risk Screening Tool" Climate Central. 2021. EN

Consumption-based accounting of CO2 emissions” Davis, S, J., Caldeira, K. March 8, 2010. EN

"Emissions by sector: where do greenhouse gases come from?" Ritchie, H., Rosado, P., Roser, M. June 2020. EN

Planetary Boundaries” Mueller, F. November 8, 2014. EN


Internal displacement reached all-time high in 2022” Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. Year-end 2022. EN.

Swelling and shrinking soils” Jones, L. September 4, 2020. EN.

"Phenomenon of shrinkage and swelling of clayey soils (RGA): definitions, impacts on structures and people and solutions for adaptation to climate change" Cerema. April 14, 2022. EN 

Dossier expert sur le retrait-gonflement des argiles” Géorisques. EN

"Retrait-gonflement des sols argileux : plus de 4 millions de maisons potentiellement très exposées" Commissariat général au développement durable - 2020 23, October. FR

"Europe experiences significant transport of smoke from Canada wildfires" Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service - 2023 June - Copernicus - EN

"Fire M3 Hotspots 2023" Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada - 2023 - Canadian Wildland Fire Information System - EN

"Heavy precipitation hitting vulnerable communities in the UAE and Oman becoming an increasing threat as the climate warms" Zachariah, M and al. - April 2024 - Spiral Imperial College London - EN

Environmental Impact of the Digital Sector

Overall & comparison

The real climate and transformative impact of ICT: A critique of estimates, trends, and regulations” Freitag, C, Berners-Lee, M, Widdicks, K, Knowles, B. Blair, G, Friday, A. 12 August 2022. Patterns, vol. 2, no. 9, p. 100340. EN.

Calculating the pollution effect of data” McGovern, G. March 15, 2020. EN

"Modélisation et évaluation des impacts environnementaux de produits de consommation et biens d'équipement" Lhotellier, J., Less, E., Bossanne, E., Pesnel, S., ADEME, RDC Environment, BV CODDE, FCBA - 2018 September - ADEME - FR

Est-ce que le secteur numérique existe ? (d’un point de vue environnemental)” Roussilhe, G. June 2022. FR

"World Wide Waste" McGovern, G. April 2020. EN

Explications sur l’empreinte carbone du streaming et du transfert de données” Roussilhe, G. January 2022. FR

The environmental footprint of the digital world“ Bordage, F. Nov, 2019. EN

MozFest 2021: Making sustainability mainstream” Greenwood, T. March 17, 2021. EN

 "The Contribution of Global Aviation to Anthropogenic Climate Forcing for 2000 to 2018" Lee, D.S., Fahey, D.W., Skowron, A., and al. 1 January 2021. Atmospheric Environment, vol. 244, p. 117834. EN.

International Transport Forum’s Transport Outlook 2021” International Transport Forum. 17 May 2021. EN/FR.


"Desalination is not the only answer to Chile’s water problems" - Brychcy, M., Dec, M., Thys, T. - 2020 September - McKinsey & Company - EN

"L’énergie des métaux" - Drezet, E. - 2014 September - EcoInfo CNRS - FR

"Rapport d'étude | Controverses minières · Volet 1 - Caractère prédateur et dangereux · Techniques minières · Déversements volontaires en milieux aquatiques · Anciens sites miniers" SystExt - 2021 November - FR

Use phase (mostly energy consumption)

World Energy Outlook 2023” International Energy Agency. October 2023. EN

"Global electricity demand rose moderately in 2023 but is set to grow faster through 2026"  International Energy Agency. 2024. EN

Global trends in internet traffic, data centres workloads and data centre energy use, 2010-2020” International Energy Agency. November 2021. EN.

Monthly Electricity Statistics” International Energy Agency. March 5, 2024. EN


"Silicon Valley Is One of the Most Polluted Places in the Country" Schlossberg, T , September 22, 2019- EN

Chemical use in the semiconductor manufacturing industry” Sunju Kim,Chungsik Yoon, Seunghon Ham, Jihoon Park, Ohun Kwon, Donguk Park, and al. Oct 03, 2018. EN

"Green IO Episode 10 - How to navigate toward more sustainable digital equipment? with Sören Enholm" Green IO. November 1, 2022. EN

"Pioneering the path to circularity" - Kleinmagd, T. - 2021 November - Fairphone - EN


The Global E-waste Monitor 2024”, UNITAR, March 2024. EN

HBM4EU E-waste study: Assessing persistent organic pollutants in blood, silicone wristbands, and settled dust among E-waste recycling workers in Europe” Adam Cseresznye and al. 2024 Environmental Research, Volume 250. EN

Weak Controls: European E-waste Poisons Africa’s Food Chain”  IPEN and the Basel Action Network. April 2019. EN.

"The world’s e-waste is a huge problem. It’s also a golden opportunity"- Ryder, G Houlin, Z, World Economic Forum - Jan 24, 2019 - EN

We are throwing away a record 53.6 million metric tons of electronics” Toussaint K, July 2, 2020. EN

Future E-Waste Scenarios” StEP Initiative, UNU-ViE SCYCLE, and UNEP IETC. 2020. EN

Acceleration: AI & Blockchain

Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model” Luccioni, A. S., Viguier, S., Ligozat, A.-L. Nov 3,  2022. EN

Carbon Emissions and Large Neural Network Training” Patterson, D., Gonzalez, J., Le, Q., Liang, C., Munguia, L.-M., Rothchild, D., So, D., Texier, M., Dean, J. Apr 21, 2021. EN

Why Ethereum is switching to proof of stake and how it will work” Castor, A. March 4, 2022. EN

PROOF-OF-WORK” October 25, 2023. EN

AI programs consume large volumes of scarce water” Danelski, D. April 28, 2023. EN.

The Generative AI Race Has a Dirty Secret” Stokel-walke, C. Febuay 10, 2023. EN

Carbon Emissions and Large Neural Network Training” Patterson, D., Gonzalez, J., Le, Q., Liang, C., Munguia, L.-M., Rothchild, D., So, D., Texier, M., Dean, J. EN

"Les grands défis de l'IA générative" Data For Good, July 2023. FR

New challenges and tools

A Heat Dome Hits Virginia: One Data Center's Story” Bochman, A. December 1, 2022. EN.

Delta’s carbon-neutral pledge is ‘greenwashing,’ California lawsuit says” Jeong, A. May 31, 2023. EN.

"The SEC’s new climate rules were a missed opportunity to accelerate corporate action" O'Rourke,D., March 8, 2024. EN

"Décret n° 2022-539 du 13 avril 2022 relatif à la compensation carbone et aux allégations de neutralité carbone dans la publicité" April 14, 2022. FR

"Nouvelle Norme internationale pour réduire l’empreinte carbone" Naden,C., August 22, 2018.FR

EU Taxonomy Navigator” European Commission. EN

SEC Adopts Rules to Enhance and Standardize Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors”  U.S. Securities and Exchange Comission. March 6, 2024. EN

Corporate sustainability reporting” European Commission. 2023. EN

California Governor to Sign Landmark Climate Disclosure Bill” Davenport,C., Sept. 17, 2023. EN

California enacts major climate-related disclosure laws”  Cheng, L., Zilberberg, D.A., and Roberts, E., Polk, D., & Wardwell LLP. October 22, 2023. EN

SB-253 Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act” California Legislative Information. October 9, 2023. EN

"Canicule : comment les opérateurs telco veulent éviter la surchauffe (et la « barre » fatidique des 50 degrés)" Benhamou P. June 2019. FR

LinkedIn Post “Clean Air Act” - Blondeau, M. October 2023. FR

Baromètre du Numérique 2023, CREDOC, May 2024. FR

"Green IO Episode 20 -E-waste: friend or foe in a circular economy with Jacqueline Mukarukundo and Vanessa Forti" Green IO. June 6, 2023. EN

Balancing sustainability and profitability” IBM. Cheung, J., Nowak, C., Fillare, C., Gonzalez-Wertz, C., Orrell, G., Peterson, S. April 08, 2022. EN

Three levers for change as a technologist: Consumption, Intensity and Direction” Adams C. November 17, 2021. EN.

What is green software?” GSF, Hussain A. August 3, 202. EN

Green Software Practitioner” GSF. EN

To grow up healthy, children need to sit less and play more” Jasarevic, T., Harris, M., Garwood, P. April 24, 2019. EN

Big Tech Helps Big Oil Pump More, Belying Climate Pledges” Bergen, M., Day, M. Aug 16, 2022. EN

"The Eight Deadly Sins of Analyzing the Energy Transition" Butler-Sloss, S., Bond, K. - October 13, 2023. EN

The Net Zero Initiative framework: a standard for collective carbon neutrality” Net Zero Initiative. July 2021. EN

Image credit

Image of Europe Extreme Maximum Temperature” Climate Prediction Center, NOAA. Feb, 18-24 2024. EN

Regional Climate Maps: Europe” Climate Prediction Center Internet Team. March 17, 2016. EN

Google builds its first data center in Norway” Grandmontagne, Y. February 12, 2024 EN 

IAE 2021 | visual is inspired from Tom Greenwood and Gauthier Roussilhe’s presentation @ MOzFest 2021” Greenwood, T., Roussilhe, G. 2021. EN

Electricity production by source, World” Our World in Data. EN

Global Electricity Demand From Data Centres, AI, and Cryptocurrencies, 2019-2026” International Energy Agency. p.31. EN 

Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework”  International Organization for Standardization. 2006-07. EN

The real climate and transformative impact of ICT: A critique of estimates, trends, and regulations” Freitag, C., Berners-Lee, M., Widdicks, K., Knowles, B., Blair, G.S., Friday, A. 2022. EN 

Yearly Carbon Dioxide Peak” Climate Central. May 12, 2021. EN/ES

‘Mind-boggling’ methane emissions from Turkmenistan revealed” The Guardian. EN

OBSERVER: 2022: a year of extremes” Copernicus. December 29, 2022. EN

LinkedIn Post. Blondeau, M., November 2023. FR

Pakistan: Turmoil and spillover” Eurasia Group. January 18, 2012. EN

Biterrois : la sécheresse fissure aussi les murs des habitations” Franco, J., August 11, 2017. FR

Canada reports 10 new wildfires” Xinhua. June 10, 2023. EN

LinkedIn Post. Forneris, E., 2023. FR

Bucket-wheel excavator” Wikipedia. EN

Palabora Mine” Marsh, D. EN

Rapport d'étude | Controverses minières · Volet 1 - Caractère prédateur et dangereux · Techniques minières · Déversements volontaires en milieux aquatiques · Anciens sites miniers” SystExt. November 16, 2021. FR

Open Pit Copper Mine” Bair, R., February 25, 2012 EN

File:Planetary Boundaries.png” Wikimedia Commons. EN

Chaos after heat crashes computers at leading London hospitals” The Guardian. August 7, 2022. EN

LinkedIn Post. Mark Butcher. October 2023. EN

Written by Gaël DUEZ

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