Legal Notices


RML Consulting SAS

17 rue de la brèche aux loups
75012 Paris

This company is registered in the Paris commercial register under the number B 903 025 740.


This website is hosted by :
Infomaniak Network SA
Avenue de la Praille 26
1227 Carouge (GE)

This company is registered in the Swiss commercial register under the number CHE-103.167.648.

Infomaniak is a neutral, independent company who fully controls the design and management of its datacenters. Its datacenters are located in Switzerland, the heart of Europe and its servers are located in its own datacenters. Infomaniak is ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certified (find out more). In 2015, it commissioned the greenest datacenter in Switzerland (find out more). The datacenter requires no air conditioning and is powered exclusively by renewable energies.


© Copyright 2022 RML Consulting SAS – all rights reserved
The content and works created by the provider on these pages are protected by French copyright law. Reproduction, editing, dissemination and any type of use beyond what is permitted under copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this page are only permitted for private, non-commercial use and for education use.


Third-party content is identified as such and rights of third parties under copyright law are respected. Should you nonetheless become aware of a breach of copyright law, please notify us accordingly. As a service provider we bear responsibility under general legislation; however, we are not obliged to monitor any third-party information that may be transferred or stored. Any such content will be removed or blocked without undue delay after the point at which we become aware of an actual breach of the law. The website contains “external links” to other websites over which the provider of the website has no influence. For this reason, the provider is unable to assume any warranty for such content. The respective provider of the linked website is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided. No breaches of the law were apparent at the point at which the link was placed. The link will be removed without undue delay should such a legal breach become apparent.

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