
Episode 26 - Digital Sustainability in LATAM

October 24, 2023 - 3 minutes reading
GreenIO Blog - Episode 26 - Digital Sustainability in LATAM

📖Read on for the latest episode 26 of the Green IO 🎙️ podcast in bite-size form.

With 300 million digital users, vibrant Tech scenes, dozens of unicorns, and more than 2 million people working in the ICT sector, Latin America is a significant player in the global digital world. Gaël DUEZ meets two tech heavyweights to discuss #digital sustainability:
Based in Medellín, Colombia, Catalina Zapata R. 🇨🇴 is a sustainable web designer and founder of LaWebVerde.
Ismael Velasco 💡♻️🌎, based in Mérida, Mexico, is an expert in green software, and founder of the Adora Foundation.

Listen to the full episode here

Wrap Up Article

Key takeaways from #26:

🌐Straight to the point, Gaël asks both guests whether it is useful to address the role of technology and digital sustainability at sub continental level. Ismael believes it makes sense, particularly as there is a huge skilled labor force within #latinamerica, though the distribution, role and contribution of technology diverges across countries. #sustainability issues are generally high on the agenda, yet curiously there is both a lack of regulation and awareness concerning digital sustainability. For Catalina, language is a barrier, as accessing resources and knowledge in Spanish is limited.

⚖️Ismael also believes there are structural issues at play. With a huge gig economy, it is difficult to drive sustainability at this level and on short time scales. Interestingly too, he points out that projects commissioned in Latin America often originate from Europe and North America, where there is a burgeoning regulatory framework and a keen awareness of digital sustainability. At the heart of this dissonance are the inequalities found between Latin America and Global North countries. Equal access to education, literacy, sanitation, as well as access to digital skills and services is fundamental, with Catalina pointing out: “There is a need to act responsibly, as the environment, ethics and social justice are all interconnected in systems that depend on each other.” Ismael agrees, adding that “#socialjustice issues are the sine qua non, the basis of achieving digital sustainability in Latin America.”

🌱On a positive note, Ismael believes that green software is not just a barrier, but also a commercial opportunity. Green apps will likely work well under poor connectivity, use less data, and be cheaper to run. Mastering the art of green software will therefore put Latin American developers in a strong position within a global market.

🤎Catalina also highlights the importance of the active open-source community, citing the recent Latin American WordPress sustainability group. Both call for more resources to be translated into Spanish, and both wholeheartedly believe in the power of the people to galvanize change making Latin America a force to be reckoned with, not just for digital sustainability, but also for social justice.

Full Transcript

(00:09) Gaël: Hello everyone, welcome to Green IO, the podcast for responsible technologists building a greener digital world, one byte at a time. On Green IO, we explore how to reduce the environmental impact of our digital world. Our guests from across the globe share insights, tools, and alternative approaches enabling people within the tech sector, and, beyond to boost digital sustainability.
More than 300 million digital users, home of dozens of unicorns, with vibrant tech scenes scattered across the region. 2.2 million working in the technology, internet and communication sector, according to LinkedIn. No, I'm not talking about Europe, but Latin America. Latin America, which is a significant player in our digital world and as such a significant contributor to its environmental impacts. Just following a non-rigorous approach based on the number of its users, but hey, remember that the majority of the environmental impacts come from both manufacturing and user devices, and the electricity consumption of these devices. So, resuming my on-the-go analysis, with 5.5% of world users, Latin America’s carbon footprint for its digital activities would be around 77 million tons of CO2 (2019), which is more than any country in Central America, apart from Mexico, obviously, and for instance it is more than Uruguay has emitted. So, I guess now that you understood that today's episode is about Latin America, and more specifically, how someone working in the digital sector and based in Latin America can contribute to decarbonizing the Internet.
To help us finding the answers, I'm pleased to welcome two guests today. Catalina Zapata, who's based in Medellín, Colombia. Catalina is a seasoned web designer who started a project called La Web Verde, (my pronunciation is terrible because it's in Spanish) in order to democratize sustainability on the web, teach designers and developers how to create more sustainable digital projects and more specifically spread green awareness about our digital footprint within the WordPress community.

 (02:34.39) Gaël: I spotted Catalina in this vibrant WordPress sustainability group last year, and when I reached out to her, she told me that she was already a regular listener of the podcast. And when I asked her why she was so much into sustainability, she had a very straightforward answer: because we breathe the same air and we are all on the same planet. And that was pretty straightforward. Well, later, she actually told me that three years ago she read an article about internet being the fourth most polluting country in the world, and that was kind of a ‘ha-ha’ moment. But actually, I think I even love better her first answer.
Ismael Velasco is based in Mexico and I met him via the amazing CAT community. Ismael is a veteran in the software industry at large, and green software in particular. His API ‘graceful degradation’ concept immediately appealed to me, but I discovered someone whose knowledge and commitment goes far beyond green IT, with his involvement in the Adora Foundation, which forces social innovation across the globe and his recent decision to focus more on the sustainability side of technology. So, welcome Catalina, welcome Ismael. Thanks a lot for joining Green IO today.
(04:02) Ismael: It's great to be here. Great to be with you.
(04:05) Catalina: Thank you, Gael, for connecting, for inviting, and creating this space, that is not only innovative, but also is very, very, very necessary for those who design the web and consume the internet.
(04:18) Gaël: Wow, thanks a lot, both of you. I would love to start, actually, with a very straightforward question. Is the title of this episode all wrong? I mean, is Latin America a pertinent scope to apprehend Tech and sustainability? Ismael, do you have an opinion on it?
(04:40) Ismael: I think, personally that, yes, it is a meaningful category. I think the distribution of technology and the role and contribution of technology does diverge regionally. So; each country, each area will have different profiles. But I think the main realities facing Latin America in relation to technology do have a lot of parallels. I think culturally, there is probably even more commonality across Latin America than there is across Europe, in many areas. The tensions that we experience are often also mirrored across countries. So, I think it's definitely a meaningful category, which is not to say a homogenous one. I think you will find enormous diversity country to country. But I don't think that negates the fact that addressing the reality of technology at a Latin American level makes sense on very many levels. So yes.
(05:45) Gaël: Catalina, do you have an opinion on it?
(05:48) Catalina: I think that in Europe, digital sustainability has become a priority for both government and business. But there are strict regulations on the energy efficiency or data centers, the recycling of electronic devices, and the reduction of carbon emission in the technology sector. The United States has not reached European standards, but there is a growing awareness of carbon footprint reduction. But in Latin America, we have a great challenge in accessing resources and knowledge, and access to information in Spanish is limited. It is necessary to translate and adapt resources into Spanish and other native languages of the continent, to make the information more accessible and usable. However, I believe we have great potential, but more awareness and education is needed from all of us who create the web and consume the internet.
(06:57) Gaël: Well, that's very interesting feedback, Catalina, and there are a lot of different things to unpack here. So we'll go back to them point by point, but I'd like to bounce back on what you've just said about the level of awareness across the globe. What is the level of awareness according to you about digital sustainability in Latin America?
(07:19) Catalina: For me, it's very, very, very low. Digital sustainability is a strange concept in Colombia and Latin America. Everyone talks about climate change, net zero, circular economy, sustainable development goals, sustainable fashion, human rights, green mobility, recycling, inclusion, female empowerment, artificial intelligence, eco-tourism. But no one talks about green software, green web, or the impact of the internet on each of our digital actions on carbon emissions. And I ask myself why. To give you an example of how ignorant we are. I am an ambassador for the Climate Reality Project. It's a non-profit organization, one of the largest communities of world climate leaders of the world created to promote solutions to climate change. This organization has a virtual platform where everyone can connect with other leaders. There are materials, videos, forums, events, resources, surveys, discussions, seminars, virtual meetings, job opportunities. And for the last three years, I have not found a single conversation about digital sustainability or sustainable web design or digital sovereignty. The server where the website and digital community is hosted is not a green server. That makes a lot of inconsistency between what is said and what is done in companies or organizations or change makers in Latin America.
(09:09) Gaël: That's not the first time I hear someone saying that digital sustainability per se, not sustainability at large, because a lot of stuff is obviously going on in Latin America, but digital sustainability is not a hot topic. Ismael, is it something that you agree with, especially with regards to the situation in Mexico?
(09:29) Ismael: Yes, I think I recognize that situation, and I think it's probably the case for almost all of Latin America, with the exception of the academic sector in Brazil. But in Brazil, you do have quite a lot of academia that has been publishing for years. They've been, I think, some of the earliest thinkers around brain computing and digital sustainability. But they are the exception. And I don't think even in Brazil it has expanded outside of academia into industry in any meaningful way. In Mexico, a bit like we heard for Colombia, I've organized a number of events here on ‘greening your software’. I've given a few talks, etc. I'm in touch with a lot of developer communities here, in the thousands. And I think every single time, without exception, when I brought up the theme, it has been the first time anyone remembers ever having come across a talk or an event dedicated to the subject. But, like Catalina mentioned, there aren’t really any accessible resources in Spanish. There aren't bodies that are pushing for it. There isn't a regulatory or a policy agenda for it. And the people who have thought about it have tended to think about it in isolation. We've been trying to start building communities through a set of events around ‘Green Your Software’. We launched one in Mexico. We're hoping, with Catalina, to do something like that in Colombia too, and also outside of Latin America too. But generally speaking, I would say that, like Catalina, my experience is that the topic is highly resonant. The moment that people hear about it, developers in particular, they go, ‘ah, that makes sense’. I want to do something about it. But it's almost always the very first time they've thought about it. The level of awareness is extremely, extremely low, with the possible exception of Bitcoin, which has got such a globally bad reputation environmentally, that it has permeated the popular consciousness. And people might go, ‘oh, yeah, Bitcoin might be bad for the environment’. But outside of that, I don't think it's a discussion that is happening in general.
(12:04) Gaël: So how come we are facing so many issues? Catalina, you mentioned that a lack of documentation in Spanish was one of the issues, but is there any other hurdle that a designer (because you're more on the designer side) faces, to start greening the web?
(12:28) Catalina: I agree with what Ismael said, that the principal problem is the awareness. Yes, many companies and professionals in Latin America are still aware of the environmental impacts of their online activities. The lack of education and awareness about digital sustainability is a key challenge for those of us who create and consume internet content. Another very important point is the resistance to change. Some companies and professionals may resist to change, especially if they believe that adopting sustainable practices could increase their costs or require additional efforts. Another point is green hosting challenges. At times, selecting eco-friendly hosting provided by renewable energy sources can be a challenge, as there may be a lack of available options in certain areas and costs can probably be high.
(13:36) Gaël: Ismael, is this something that you've noticed as well or do you have another angle as a developer?
(13:44) Ismael: Both. I definitely agree with absolutely everything that Catalina has said, but I also think that there is a structural issue that is driving a lot of this, and it's the nature of the ICT market in Latin America. I think there are four layers to it. You have the base layer of a very small website and simple apps for a domestic market, that are not necessarily high skill and they're also not high in price. So that means that developers generally do not have much say in terms of what or how they build. They are freelancing. There's a huge gig economy around ICT. So that first layer of the gig economy means that even if you cared about green software, and even if you were a bit informed about green software, the opportunities to present it, to incorporate it, to discuss it, are smaller. Then you have the next layer, which is where you have developers who are building more sophisticated software applications, and are who are primarily competing on price - they tend to be software agencies, and this is another scenario where they are given not a lot of resources, not a lot of time to come up with an app and who do not necessarily have a high level of training or focus on quality. The importance is to churn out products and the jobs are precarious. So, the long-term thinking around green quality, around impact, around all kinds of things that companies might do if they're building a single product over three or four or five years is much harder to do if you've got a three-month contract or a five-month contract.
(16:12.) Gaël: There is, in different parts of Latin America, a much more highly skilled digital labor force and people are offshoring to Latin America and often for longer-term projects. So often, in major companies, people will have products that they're building and they will have entire teams based in Mexico or in Colombia or in other parts of Latin America. And there you will have the level of expertise required to build perhaps green apps, but the commissioning process, the people making the actual decisions on architecture, on design, on hiring, are all in the United States, in Canada, in Europe, and they don't particularly care about the environment.

So, they are achieving high quality for lower price. And then the final layer is the unicorns. You have some Latin American tech companies that have begun to emerge in Mexico. I can't remember the number, there might be five or ten unicorns. So, these are people getting billions from venture capitalists etc., and they are no more green than any of the big companies in the global North. So, whereas I think there is a big gap between awareness in Latin America and awareness in North America and Europe, I don't think the gap in practice is equally as large, because in Europe and in North America, people really are much more aware of the environmental implications of software, but I don't think they are particularly more committed or active in building greener software. So, the same people who are building the most polluting software on a global scale across Europe and North America are the people who are hiring the Developers in Latin America to build that software. So, there's a whole bunch of structural factors that, even if you have the desire to build green, would create significant barriers. These are significant barriers, because you have less power.as an external freelancing or contracting Dev than if you are a staff engineer in Google, for example, to say, actually, ‘I want to do it green’. So even if you have the awareness and the resources, I think there are economics and responsibilities that lie outside of Latin America for some of the barriers that we have in implementing green applications.

(19:30) Gaël: Ismael that's super insightful to go all the way up to the entire structure of the tech economy in Latin America. So overall, this is not really good news that you have shared because low level of general awareness, lack of documentation in Spanish, lack of green, (or not a single one, actually) structural issues, several about who gives order a short-term profit incentivization. I guess it was you, Ismael, who also mentioned that there is a terrible lack of political pressure concerning these topics. So, it’s pretty hard to try to code green or to design green in Latin America.

Yet still, here you are, like thousands of others. So, I'd like to switch the narrative a bit here, and to see the glass as half full or even one third or one quarter full, and say, okay, so I'm just a tech worker in Latin America, what can I leverage to help me build a greener internet? And how vibrant is the green IT ecosystem in Latin America? Because maybe it's not as vibrant as other parts of the world, but I know for sure that there are people working on these topics. What are the available resources? We say that there are not many, but I guess we still have some resources. What network should I connect with? So, Catalina, would you like to give some advice to someone starting in the design or the sustainable design business? What would you say to this person? 

(21:07) Catalina: There are some resources available such as blogs, discussion groups and online communities. The offer in Spanish, like those in Portuguese, is not the same as that compared to languages such as English or German. But I think that digital sustainability today in Latin America is an issue only for large worldwide private companies, such as Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft or other large companies in the country / region, for example, Globant, Nubank, Rappi, Natura, Mercado Libre. But it is noticed as subject now by small entrepreneurs or micro entrepreneurs or designers or developers. We have to start talking about digital sobriety and the impact of digital actions by ordinary citizens can contribute. Not only how the companies we consume can neutralize carbon emission, but also how we, the user, can support and contribute. 

(22.15) Gaël: Ismael, from a developer's perspective, what would be the resources and the approaches that you would advocate? 

(23.23) Ismael: I'd like to mention three things and not just as a developer, but also for entrepreneurs. And I think we need to make and understand that green software is not a barrier or a hurdle to get over, but it's also a commercial opportunity. So, for example, across Latin America, there is, in Mexico, I think there's something like 71 million regular internet users, but there's a huge percentage of people who have very low intermittent access to the internet. In other parts of Latin America, the number of people with poor connectivity is even greater. If you're able to design an app that is green, you are likely to design an app that works well under low connectivity; that uses less data, so it is cheaper to run. And you are likely to design an app that is flexible, depending on availability, which means that you've got a gigantic addressable market that does not exist in the global north. So, the first thing I would say is that entrepreneurs, companies, inventors in Latin America should think about that large addressable market that could be reached if you build software with green patterns. And the nice thing about green software is that you end up building an app that works both for the person in that village that has full connectivity, and for the businessman in the city, and for the woman president in that country. And they can all use the same app because you developed it ‘green’.
The second thing that I would mention is that regulation is coming. It's already started. Europe as ever is ahead. France is ahead of Europe. The US is beginning to catch up. And this means that a lot of the nearshoring jobs that will come to us in Latin America, a lot of the companies in the US and in the EU who will hire Latin American debts, will in the next three to five years, have to demonstrate that they are reducing emissions in the apps they build. So that means that if you're a developer or a student right now, and you master the art of green software, you're going to be at the cutting edge of labor demand when there is a huge skills gap. And when people are coming to Mexico or to Colombia and saying, ‘we want to hire devs but in order to comply with regulation, it needs to be built green’, it you've started learning now, you're going to be in a uniquely competitive space. And the last thing that I want to mention is community. Community really matters. Go check the software community that Catalina mentioned. Climateaction.tech has a bit of a Latin American bit growing.
But I also wanted to say to any listener that the Adora Foundation is going to launch a project to bring green computing knowledge onto Wikipedia in Spanish. And there are grants for this. So, if anybody wants to partner with us in creating what they call Wikathons, I think, but basically, partnering with us in creating new and translating existing green compute content into Wikipedia, please reach out to me on LinkedIn, and we will add you into the partnership. And together we can create a massive explosion of access to knowledge in the most democratic platform available in Spanish and eventually in Portuguese and other languages too, but we'll be starting in Spanish. 

(26.33) Gaël: And just to bounce back on what you've said, Ismael, actually there is another tool which is now available in Spanish - the Digital Collage:-

(26.47) Ismael: El mural digital.

(26.33) Gaël: Yes. Ismail, you mentioned communities, and I know that Catalina, in previous discussions, you mentioned the importance of the open-source community as one of the solutions, because we're still trying to answer this question: ‘Where can I start when I am a developer or a designer or an entrepreneur in the tech sector in Latin America?’. Do you want to elaborate on the importance of the open-source community?

(27.25) Catalina: Yeah, the open community in Latin America is very big and robust and very active. The focus is the collaboration and open access and quality software. Maybe the privacy and data security is a central topic. But it's important that I mention that in Medellín, my city, because Medellín won the recognition of the most innovative city in the world in 2018, and the most intelligent city in the country in 2022. And is known as, or is calling to be known as, the software valley. Here, there is enough scholarship to bring people closer to technology. And we are rich human talent in all digital issues, and we are in the place that has the most technology communities within the country, or maybe the region. But the question is we never hear about sustainable web design, green software or digital sobriety, that there is only focus on programming language, databases, artificial intelligence, security, marketing frameworks, libraries, apps, etc. And my question is why? Digital technologies are responsible for the 4% of all greenhouse gas emissions of the planet, and that the cloud has a larger carbon footprint than the aviation industry. That 10 hours of high-quality video contain more data than all the Wikipedia articles in text format. That the web and the data centers that power our digital lives consume more energy and water that we can imagine. And it's controversial, because it's a city that has many technology communities, but it never speaks about this topic, this ‘sustainable digital’ and it's a question for me every time, every day.

 (29:56) Ismael: I think that's a really great point, Catalina, a really important one. I have also found that I know many Mexican developers who are in the very top rank of open-source contributors to their projects, people who have contributed to the Linux kernel or people who are at the heart of WordPress, or at the heart of all kinds of big open-source projects with really serious international contributions and recognition. And I think that would be a fantastic population to target. And if they are listening to this podcast (and I hope they are), I will certainly be promoting it.
I think if you've got a voice in your area of open source, if you are a serious contributor as a Latin American to an open-source project, consider that you may be the person who can green that technology. You may be in a really good place to actually impact on a technology that impacts millions of people because you know what you're doing and you've got reputation and credentials. So, to all the Latin American open-source contributors out there, and especially those of you who are really serious about it, consider asking yourself the technical question: If I wanted to green this open-source project, what would I do? And then rally people around it. You will find all of us around the world supporting your efforts.

(31.44) Gaël: Thank you Ismail. That's very inspiring and actually quite true as well, because the momentum we've got today in digital sustainability in Europe, just to speak about what I've experiencing, has been built a lot on the open-source community, and with people just, as you said, starting to pay attention, usually coming from privacy movements, the question of truly open source, and the intellectual property issues around digital rights, etc. And suddenly they are switching to, ‘oh, but actually there is a missing part in my puzzle, which is sustainability’.
And connecting to the question of having different angles, there is one last question I wanted to ask to both of you. Going a bit beyond this green angle that we had, how much can we, or shouldn't we, disconnect the environment from other issues like ethics or social justice in Latin America? Because we were discussing before the interview that some, especially some countries in Latin America, are rife with inequalities and that might be hard, actually, to dissociate both, or should we dissociate both because otherwise no topics get any traction if we try to connect too many things. What are your opinions on it?

(33.17) Catalina: Okay, I believe that we cannot disconnect and separate these issues, because everything in the planet is systemic. The environment, ethics and social justice are interconnected in systems that depend on each other and together they form a complete vision of a better and brighter world for all. Social justice means that everyone must have equal access to resources and opportunities, and that basic human rights must be protected. And the ethics is about doing the right thing and treating our natural environment and other forms of life with respect. We must act responsibly to preserve the herd, not just for ourselves, but for others as well. Our ethics is how we treat the herd and others life forms, it has a direct impact on social justice for generations. But I think that it's impossible to disconnect and separate these issues.

(34:33) Ismael: Thank you, Catalina, for your point about ethics. Actually, you're not going to green software if you do not have values that drive you towards it, right? It is a values-based choice. So, you cannot associate values from that decision. I would question, however, the framing, Gael, that you introduced, because you pointed out the inequalities within Latin America. And I think the inequalities within Latin America are a huge, huge dimension of this. If you do not have access to water, let alone to internet, let alone to full literacy, then clearly your ability to contribute to – though I guess you are contributing to a greener digital footprint by not using it - but you will be limited in those abilities and those skills if your access to information is limited. Then even if you are educated and keen, it's going to be hard for you to acquire it.
However, the real constraint on greening the digital world in Latin America, from mining through to the supply chain, through software building, is not the inequalities within Latin America, it's the inequalities between Latin America and the rest of the world. It is the dynamics of the way Europe, and in particular the United States and Canada and China and the richer countries, interact and consume Latin American resources and products, that are the biggest determinant of the kind of applications that get built. So, the challenge of justice here is that it is definitely crucial to have justice within Latin America. But one of the reasons why you don't have regulation that works, is because of pressure from companies that are not based in Latin America. So, I would say the social justice issues are the sine qua non, the basis of achieving digital sustainability in Latin America. But that involves the inequalities between the people who commission most of the digital products in Latin America, which is the global north, and the people who produce them in the global south. That inequality, I think, is the key barrier. If you can make all of the companies that commission software or mining or supplies or sell e-waste to Latin America from abroad, demand green standards, you will see that digital sustainability accelerates dramatically. And without that, all the goodwill, all the conviction, all the dedication of people like ourselves in Latin America will not achieve a systemic impact. So, yes to the inequalities, but I would say it's the global ones that count more than the regional ones at this stage.

(38.10) Catalina: Yeah, I totally agree Ismael’s whole answer. 

(38:17) Gaël: Yes, thanks Ismael, fair point. It's also definitely an issue about inequalities across the world, and not just within a country or a continent. Now being mindful of time, do you want to add just one more recommendation to learn more on digital sustainability if you're based in Latin America? 

(38.44) Catalina: I would recommend the talks by Elena Morettini, who is the Global Head of Sustainable Business at Globant, and shares a lot of values, content about transition and energy efficiency and green IT for business/

(39.00) Gaël: And what would be your pick, Ismael?

(39.04) Ismael: Well, I am conflicted, because I'm going to recommend something that I want to discourage at the same time. So, I'm going to say why I don't want you to use it. I don't want you to use ChatGTP and Bard and LLMs because they are environmentally 10 times worse than most other alternatives. However, what I will say is, if the main barrier right now is information, if you are in Latin America, and if you're listening to this, you probably have enough fluency so that's not your barrier. But you will have so many colleagues for whom this might be a barrier. And what I would advise is, search and google all the resources, all the names that Catalina mentioned, and they are connected. So, the moment you find one, if you find Jerry McGovern, if you find Wholegrain Digital, if you find the people in this very podcast, if you find who Gaël has interviewed, look them up, basically go find all the resources you can in English and translate them. If you can use Google Translate first, it'll be cheaper environmentally. But if not, to be honest, that is a trade-off that I am happy to do. If using ChatGPT or Bard will equip you to green the next 300 apps that you build the rest of your life, go and use it.

(40:52) Gaël: Excellent. I didn't expect such an answer. But that's a very nice one. That's a beautifully played card. I'm not going to choose, actually, I'm going to list all these great resources, but the tool is translation. And I fully agree with you, Ismail. Sometimes you use a terrible tool in the right way and that’s the worth the type of investment. But that was great. And so, because we are on a positive mood, Ismail, if you had to share one piece of good news which made you optimistic recently about our path toward a more sustainable world, what would it be?

(41.37) Ismael: I need to say that good news is there if you look for it. Around COP27, there were these series of reports that came out, that were dire. They were terrible, they really were. The situation is absolutely horrific. We're moving too slow. But buried in all of those reports, were extraordinary achievements that no one really reported. So, I was in Paris for COP 21. And I remember that at the start of COP 21, the level of ambition was on the floor. None of us believed this was going to lead anywhere, not the governments, not the activists, not the NGOs, not the academics, nobody. And then civil society moved. The largest demonstrations in the history of the planet and the use of technology, groups like Avaaz creating mobilizations. And in real time, I saw governments change their positions. And then when people weren't going to embrace certain targets, city mayors embraced those targets. Terrible multinationals embraced targets, and the mood changed. Now, at that point, the status quo, the business-as-usual scenario, was leading us into the worst apocalypse. The latest reports that came out are saying that we are on track for catastrophe, but we have moved away from apocalypse. No one has tracked the fact that at the most dysfunctional time in global decision-making, humanity has managed to shift track. For the first time in the whole of our records, by 2030, the IEA expects emissions to no longer grow, but to flatline. None of this is enough to spare us from catastrophe. But it shows, that as a global community, we have the power to truly change scenarios. So, we need to understand that power, not become complacent, and go, ‘it's all okay’, but also not to forget that hope exists empirically.

(44:15) Gaël: Thanks a lot Ismael. I may just comment on COP21 that, yes, civil society played a big role, but hey, this is the episode on Latin America, so I guess we also have to give a big kudos to one of my longtime heroes now, which is Cristiana Figueres, obviously, because if she hadn't have been there, leading the UN climate delegation, with her amazing ambassador skills, and everything else that she built around her, and the team she brought, etc., I don't believe anything would have been achieved (without downplaying the massive role civil society played too). I'm not trying to give her a percentage here, but just acknowledging that, yes, I think without her, we would be in real dire straits at the moment.

(45.08) Gaël: What about you, Catalina? Is there one piece of good news that you'd like to share? 

(45.14) Catalina: Concerning this point, I need to talk about WordPress. This is my community, right, and some excellent recent news is that the global WordPress community has formed a sustainability group. With 264 members showing a growing interest in the topic though only from Latin America, like Ismael and me, but this is an important step for other people, other humans, whether Spain or other countries in Europe. But it's also encouraging to see that several developers are reducing the size of their plugins to make them more efficient and environmentally friendly. Awareness about the importance of greening servers is increasing, where every small contribution, like removing a single kilobyte, or millions of websites, can significantly reduce carbon emission. Also, it's inspiring to see more people engage in creating a more sustainable web. That is a good piece of news, and good for the global community for WordPress, because it's a good step. 

(46:44) Gaël: Thanks a lot, both of you, for sharing such positive news at the end, and for the amazing work that you're doing in Latin America, and way beyond just a green internet, to make people aware of the environmental footprint of our digital world. Thanks too for being there, and connecting with me on being based on a very different time zone, and for accommodating all those differences. So, thanks a lot. It was great having both of you. I hope this episode will be very useful for people based in this beautiful region of the world. And as usual, I will put all the references in the show notes. Thanks a lot for being there, both of you.

(47.35) Ismael: Thank you. Great opportunity and great to chat with both of you, Catalina and Gaël. Really great opportunity. Thank you.

(47.44) Catalina: Thank you, Gaël. Thank you, Ismael. Really, really, I'm very, very happy to share.

(47.51) Gaël: Thank you for listening to this Green IO episode. In episode 27, we will talk about all the tools provided by the Green Software Foundation to decarbonize software. There are quite a few, and Nassim Hussain, the Executive Director of Green Software himself, will give us a guided tour. And he might also share some exclusive announcements before the big Decarb Software 2023 conference. So stay tuned.

Before you leave, a small message from our sponsor. No, I'm still kidding. Green IO is a free and independent podcast. And so we need your help to keep it that way. You can help us by supporting us on Tipeee. The link is in the episode notes. But if you cannot donate, that's fine. You can support us by spreading the word. And I know, I've asked you several times already, and I'm bothering you with this, but please do rate the podcast five stars on Apple or Spotify. And if you've already done it, ask a friend to do it too. This is the only way that we will get new listeners via the search in these platforms. So thanks a lot for rating the podcast. That's super cool of you. And hopefully we will get more listeners and more responsible technologists joining the show. You know, each vote is truly worth a thousand likes on YouTube, believe me, when you compare very successful YouTubers and very successful podcasters.

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Transcript (in Spanish - AI generated)

(00:09) Gaël: Hola a todos, bienvenidos a Green IO, el podcast para tecnólogos responsables que construyen un mundo digital más verde, byte a byte. En Green IO, exploramos cómo reducir el impacto ambiental de nuestro mundo digital. Nuestros invitados de todo el mundo comparten ideas, herramientas y enfoques alternativos que permiten a las personas dentro del sector tecnológico, y más allá, impulsar la sostenibilidad digital. Más de 300 millones de usuarios digitales, hogar de docenas de unicornios, con escenas tecnológicas vibrantes repartidas por la región. 2.2 millones trabajando en el sector tecnológico, de internet y comunicación, según LinkedIn. No, no estoy hablando de Europa, sino de América Latina. América Latina, un jugador significativo en nuestro mundo digital y, como tal, un contribuyente significativo a sus impactos ambientales. Solo siguiendo un enfoque no riguroso basado en el número de sus usuarios, pero recuerden que la mayoría de los impactos ambientales provienen de la fabricación y el uso de dispositivos y el consumo de electricidad de estos dispositivos. Resumiendo mi análisis rápido, con el 5.5% de los usuarios mundiales, la huella de carbono de América Latina por sus actividades digitales sería alrededor de 77 millones de toneladas de CO2 (2019), lo que es más que cualquier país en América Central, excepto México, obviamente, y, por ejemplo, es más de lo que ha emitido Uruguay. Así que supongo que ahora han entendido que el episodio de hoy trata sobre América Latina, y más específicamente, cómo alguien que trabaja en el sector digital y está basado en América Latina puede contribuir a descarbonizar Internet. Para ayudarnos a encontrar las respuestas, me complace dar la bienvenida a dos invitados hoy. Catalina Zapata, que está basada en Medellín, Colombia. Catalina es una experimentada diseñadora web que inició un proyecto llamado La Web Verde, (mi pronunciación es terrible porque es en español) con el objetivo de democratizar la sostenibilidad en la web, enseñar a diseñadores y desarrolladores cómo crear proyectos digitales más sostenibles y, más específicamente, difundir la conciencia verde sobre nuestra huella digital dentro de la comunidad de WordPress.

(02:34.39) Gaël: Descubrí a Catalina en este vibrante grupo de sostenibilidad de WordPress el año pasado, y cuando me puse en contacto con ella, me dijo que ya era una oyente regular del podcast. Y cuando le pregunté por qué estaba tan interesada en la sostenibilidad, tuvo una respuesta muy directa: porque respiramos el mismo aire y todos estamos en el mismo planeta. Y eso fue bastante directo. Bueno, luego, de hecho, me dijo que hace tres años leyó un artículo sobre Internet siendo el cuarto país más contaminante del mundo, y eso fue como un momento 'ja-ja'. Pero en realidad, creo que incluso me gusta más su primera respuesta. Ismael Velasco está basado en México y lo conocí a través de la increíble comunidad CAT. Ismael es un veterano de la industria del software en general, y del software verde en particular. Su concepto de 'degradación grácil' de API me atrajo de inmediato, pero descubrí a alguien cuyo conocimiento y compromiso van mucho más allá de la tecnología verde, con su participación en la Fundación Adora, que impulsa la innovación social en todo el mundo, y su reciente decisión de centrarse más en el lado sostenible de la tecnología. Así que, bienvenida Catalina, bienvenido Ismael. Muchas gracias por unirse a Green IO hoy. 

(04:02) Ismael: Es genial estar aquí. Genial estar contigo. 

(04:05) Catalina: Gracias, Gael, por conectar, por invitar y crear este espacio, que no solo es innovador, sino que también es muy, muy, muy necesario para aquellos que diseñan la web y consumen Internet. 

(04:18) Gaël: Wow, muchas gracias a ambos. Me encantaría comenzar, de hecho, con una pregunta muy directa. ¿El título de este episodio está completamente equivocado? Quiero decir, ¿América Latina es un ámbito pertinente para abordar la tecnología y la sostenibilidad? Ismael, ¿tienes una opinión al respecto? 

(04:40) Ismael: Creo, personalmente, que sí, es una categoría significativa. Creo que la distribución de la tecnología y el papel y contribución de la tecnología divergen regionalmente. Cada país, cada área tendrá perfiles diferentes. Pero creo que las realidades principales que enfrenta América Latina en relación con la tecnología tienen muchos paralelos. Creo que culturalmente, hay probablemente aún más similitud en toda América Latina que en Europa, en muchas áreas. Las tensiones que experimentamos a menudo también se reflejan en otros países. Entonces, creo que definitivamente es una categoría significativa, lo que no significa que sea homogénea. Creo que encontrarás una enorme diversidad de país a país. Pero no creo que eso niegue el hecho de que abordar la realidad de la tecnología a nivel latinoamericano tenga sentido en muchos niveles. Así que sí. 

(05:45) Gaël: Catalina, ¿tienes una opinión al respecto? 

(05:48) Catalina: Creo que en Europa, la sostenibilidad digital se ha convertido en una prioridad tanto para el gobierno como para los negocios. Pero hay regulaciones estrictas sobre la eficiencia energética de los centros de datos, el reciclaje de dispositivos electrónicos y la reducción de las emisiones de carbono en el sector tecnológico. Estados Unidos no ha alcanzado los estándares europeos, pero hay una creciente conciencia de la reducción de la huella de carbono. Pero en América Latina, tenemos un gran desafío para acceder a recursos y conocimientos, y el acceso a la información en español es limitado. Es necesario traducir y adaptar recursos al español y a otros idiomas nativos del continente, para que la información sea más accesible y utilizable. Sin embargo, creo que tenemos un gran potencial, pero se necesita más conciencia y educación de todos nosotros que creamos la web y consumimos Internet. 

(06:57) Gaël: Bueno, ese es un comentario muy interesante, Catalina, y hay muchas cosas diferentes que desempacar aquí. Así que volveremos a ellos punto por punto, pero me gustaría volver a lo que acabas de decir sobre el nivel de conciencia en todo el mundo. ¿Cuál es el nivel de conciencia según tú sobre la sostenibilidad digital en América Latina? 

(07:19) Catalina: Para mí, es muy, muy, muy bajo. La sostenibilidad digital es un concepto extraño en Colombia y América Latina. Todos hablan sobre cambio climático, cero neto, economía circular, objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, moda sostenible, derechos humanos, movilidad verde, reciclaje, inclusión, empoderamiento femenino, inteligencia artificial, ecoturismo. Pero nadie habla sobre software verde, web verde o el impacto de Internet en cada una de nuestras acciones digitales en las emisiones de carbono. Y me pregunto por qué. Para darte un ejemplo de lo ignorantes que somos. Soy embajadora del Proyecto Realidad Climática. Es una organización sin fines de lucro, una de las comunidades más grandes de líderes climáticos del mundo creada para promover soluciones al cambio climático. Esta organización tiene una plataforma virtual donde todos pueden conectarse con otros líderes. Hay materiales, videos, foros, eventos, recursos, encuestas, discusiones, seminarios, reuniones virtuales, oportunidades laborales. Y durante los últimos tres años, no he encontrado una sola conversación sobre sostenibilidad digital, diseño web sostenible o soberanía digital. El servidor donde se aloja el sitio web y la comunidad digital no es un servidor verde. Eso crea mucha inconsistencia entre lo que se dice y lo que se hace en empresas u organizaciones o agentes de cambio en América Latina. 

(09:09) Gaël: No es la primera vez que escucho a alguien decir que la sostenibilidad digital per se, no la sostenibilidad en general, porque obviamente hay muchas cosas sucediendo en América Latina, pero la sostenibilidad digital no es un tema candente. Ismael, ¿es algo con lo que estás de acuerdo, especialmente en lo que respecta a la situación en México? 

(09:29) Ismael: Sí, creo que reconozco esa situación, y creo que es probablemente el caso para casi toda América Latina, con la excepción del sector académico en Brasil. Pero en Brasil, tienes mucha academia que ha estado publicando durante años. Han sido algunos de los primeros pensadores en torno a la informática y la sostenibilidad digital. Pero son la excepción. Y no creo que incluso en Brasil haya expandido fuera de la academia hacia la industria de manera significativa. En México, un poco como escuchamos para Colombia, he organizado varios eventos aquí sobre 'hacer que tu software sea verde'. He dado algunas charlas, etc. Estoy en contacto con muchas comunidades de desarrolladores aquí, en miles. Y creo que cada vez, sin excepción, cuando mencioné el tema, fue la primera vez que alguien recuerda haberse encontrado alguna vez con una charla o un evento dedicado al tema. Pero, como mencionó Catalina, realmente no hay muchos recursos accesibles en español. No hay entidades que estén presionando por ello. No hay una agenda normativa o política al respecto. Y las personas que han pensado en ello tienden a hacerlo de manera aislada. Hemos estado tratando de comenzar a construir comunidades a través de una serie de eventos sobre 'Haz que tu software sea verde'. Lanzamos uno en México. Esperamos, con Catalina, hacer algo así en Colombia también, y también fuera de América Latina. Pero en términos generales, diría que, al igual que Catalina, mi experiencia es que el tema resuena mucho. En el momento en que las personas escuchan al respecto, especialmente los desarrolladores, dicen: 'ah, tiene sentido'. Quiero hacer algo al respecto. Pero casi siempre es la primera vez que lo han pensado. El nivel de conciencia es extremadamente bajo, con la posible excepción de Bitcoin, que tiene una reputación ambiental global tan negativa que ha permeado la conciencia popular. Y la gente puede pensar: 'oh, sí, Bitcoin podría ser perjudicial para el medio ambiente'. Pero fuera de eso, no creo que sea una discusión que esté sucediendo en general. 

(12:04) Gaël: Entonces, ¿cómo es que nos enfrentamos a tantos problemas? Catalina, mencionaste que la falta de documentación en español era uno de los problemas, pero ¿hay algún otro obstáculo que un diseñador (porque estás más en el lado del diseño) enfrenta para empezar a 'verdear' la web? 

(12:28) Catalina: Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dijo Ismael, que el problema principal es la conciencia. Sí, muchas empresas y profesionales en América Latina aún no son conscientes de los impactos ambientales de sus actividades en línea. La falta de educación y conciencia sobre la sostenibilidad digital es un desafío clave para aquellos de nosotros que creamos y consumimos contenido en Internet. Otro punto muy importante es la resistencia al cambio. Algunas empresas y profesionales pueden resistirse al cambio, especialmente si creen que adoptar prácticas sostenibles podría aumentar sus costos o requerir esfuerzos adicionales. Otro punto son los desafíos del alojamiento verde. A veces, seleccionar alojamiento ecológico proporcionado por fuentes de

(12:28) Catalina: Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dijo Ismael, que el problema principal es la conciencia. Sí, muchas empresas y profesionales en América Latina aún no son conscientes de los impactos ambientales de sus actividades en línea. La falta de educación y conciencia sobre la sostenibilidad digital es un desafío clave para aquellos de nosotros que creamos y consumimos contenido en internet. Otro punto muy importante es la resistencia al cambio. Algunas empresas y profesionales pueden resistirse al cambio, especialmente si creen que adoptar prácticas sostenibles podría aumentar sus costos o requerir esfuerzos adicionales. Otro punto son los desafíos del alojamiento ecológico. A veces, seleccionar alojamiento ecológico proporcionado por fuentes de energía renovable puede ser un desafío, ya que puede haber falta de opciones disponibles en ciertas áreas y los costos pueden ser altos.

(13:36) Gaël: Ismael, ¿esto es algo que también has notado o tienes otro enfoque como desarrollador?

(13:44) Ismael: Ambos. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con todo lo que Catalina ha dicho, pero también creo que hay un problema estructural que está impulsando mucho de esto, y es la naturaleza del mercado de las TIC en América Latina. Creo que hay cuatro capas. Tienes la capa base de un sitio web muy pequeño y aplicaciones simples para un mercado nacional, que no son necesariamente de alta habilidad y tampoco son de alto precio. Eso significa que los desarrolladores generalmente no tienen mucho que decir en términos de qué o cómo construyen. Son freelancers. Hay una gran economía gig en torno a las TIC. Así que esa primera capa de la economía gig significa que incluso si te importa el software verde, e incluso si estás un poco informado sobre el software verde, las oportunidades para presentarlo, incorporarlo, discutirlo, son menores. Luego tienes la siguiente capa, donde tienes desarrolladores que están construyendo aplicaciones de software más sofisticadas y que compiten principalmente en precio, tienden a ser agencias de software, y este es otro escenario donde no se les dan muchos recursos, no se les da mucho tiempo para crear una aplicación y que no necesariamente tienen un alto nivel de formación o enfoque en la calidad. La importancia es producir productos y los trabajos son precarios. Así que, pensar a largo plazo en torno a la calidad verde, al impacto, a todas las cosas que las empresas podrían hacer si estuvieran construyendo un solo producto durante tres, cuatro o cinco años, es mucho más difícil de hacer si tienes un contrato de tres meses o cinco meses.

(16:12) Gaël: En diferentes partes de América Latina, hay una fuerza laboral digital mucho más calificada y las personas están externalizando a América Latina y a menudo para proyectos a más largo plazo. Entonces, a menudo, en grandes empresas, las personas tendrán productos que están construyendo y tendrán equipos enteros con sede en México, Colombia u otras partes de América Latina. Y allí tendrás el nivel de experiencia necesario para construir quizás aplicaciones verdes, pero el proceso de encargo, las personas que toman las decisiones reales sobre arquitectura, diseño, contratación, están todas en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Europa, y no les importa particularmente el medio ambiente.
Así que están logrando alta calidad por un precio más bajo. Y luego la capa final son los unicornios. Tienes algunas empresas tecnológicas latinoamericanas que han comenzado a surgir en México. No puedo recordar el número, puede haber cinco o diez unicornios. Entonces, estas personas están recibiendo miles de millones de dólares de capitalistas de riesgo, etc., y no son más verdes que cualquiera de las grandes empresas en el norte global. Entonces, aunque creo que hay una gran brecha entre la conciencia en América Latina y la conciencia en América del Norte y Europa, no creo que la brecha en la práctica sea igual de grande, porque en Europa y en América del Norte, la gente realmente está mucho más consciente de las implicaciones ambientales del software, pero no creo que estén particularmente más comprometidos o activos en la construcción de software más verde. Entonces, las mismas personas que están construyendo el software más contaminante a nivel mundial en Europa y América del Norte son las personas que están contratando a los desarrolladores en América Latina para construir ese software. Así que hay una serie de factores estructurales que, incluso si tienes el deseo de construir de manera verde, crearían barreras significativas. Estas son barreras significativas, porque tienes menos poder como un freelancer externo o contratista que si eres un ingeniero de planta en Google, por ejemplo, para decir, en realidad, 'quiero hacerlo verde'. Entonces, incluso si tienes la conciencia y los recursos, creo que hay economías y responsabilidades que están fuera de América Latina para algunas de las barreras que tenemos en la implementación de aplicaciones verdes.

(19:30) Gaël: Ismael, eso es muy perspicaz para llegar hasta la estructura completa de la economía tecnológica en América Latina. En general, esto no son buenas noticias que has compartido porque hay un bajo nivel de conciencia general, falta de documentación en español, falta de verde (o ni siquiera una, de hecho) problemas estructurales, varios sobre quién da la orden de incentivos de ganancias a corto plazo. Supongo que fuiste tú, Ismael, quien también mencionó que hay una terrible falta de presión política sobre estos temas. Entonces, es bastante difícil intentar programar de manera verde o diseñar de manera verde en América Latina.
Sin embargo, aquí estás, como miles de otros. Así que me gustaría cambiar un poco la narrativa aquí, y ver el vaso medio lleno o incluso un tercio o un cuarto lleno, y decir, bueno, soy solo un trabajador tecnológico en América Latina, ¿qué puedo aprovechar para ayudarme a construir un internet más verde? ¿Y qué tan vibrante es el ecosistema de TI verde en América Latina? Porque tal vez no sea tan vibrante como en otras partes del mundo, pero sé con certeza que hay personas trabajando en estos temas. ¿Cuáles son los recursos disponibles? Decimos que no hay muchos, pero creo que aún tenemos algunos recursos. ¿Con qué red debería conectarme? Entonces, Catalina, ¿te gustaría dar algunos consejos a alguien que comienza en el diseño o en el negocio del diseño sostenible? ¿Qué le dirías a esta persona?

(21:07) Catalina: Hay algunos recursos disponibles como blogs, grupos de discusión y comunidades en línea. La oferta en español, al igual que en portugués, no es la misma que en comparación con idiomas como inglés o alemán. Pero creo que la sostenibilidad digital hoy en América Latina es un problema solo para grandes empresas privadas a nivel mundial, como Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, u otras grandes empresas en el país o región, por ejemplo, Globant, Nubank, Rappi, Natura, Mercado Libre. Pero se está notando como un tema ahora también por pequeños empresarios, microempresarios, diseñadores o desarrolladores. Debemos empezar a hablar sobre la sobriedad digital y cómo las acciones digitales de los ciudadanos comunes pueden contribuir. No solo cómo las empresas que consumimos pueden neutralizar las emisiones de carbono, sino también cómo nosotros, los usuarios, podemos apoyar y contribuir.

(22.15) Gaël: Ismael, desde la perspectiva de un desarrollador, ¿cuáles serían los recursos y enfoques que defenderías?

(23.23) Ismael: Me gustaría mencionar tres cosas, y no solo como desarrollador, sino también para emprendedores. Y creo que necesitamos entender que el software verde no es una barrera o un obstáculo a superar, sino también una oportunidad comercial. Por ejemplo, en toda América Latina, en México hay algo así como 71 millones de usuarios regulares de Internet, pero hay un gran porcentaje de personas con acceso intermitente muy bajo a Internet. En otras partes de América Latina, el número de personas con una conectividad deficiente es aún mayor. Si puedes diseñar una aplicación que sea verde, es probable que diseñes una aplicación que funcione bien con una baja conectividad; que use menos datos, por lo que es más barata de operar. Y es probable que diseñes una aplicación que sea flexible, dependiendo de la disponibilidad, lo que significa que tienes un mercado direccionable gigantesco que no existe en el norte global. Entonces, lo primero que diría es que los emprendedores, empresas e inventores en América Latina deberían pensar en ese gran mercado direccionable que podrían alcanzar si construyen software con patrones verdes. Y lo bueno del software verde es que terminas construyendo una aplicación que funciona tanto para la persona en ese pueblo que tiene conectividad completa, como para el empresario en la ciudad, y para la mujer presidenta en ese país. Y todos pueden usar la misma aplicación porque la desarrollaste 'verde'.
La segunda cosa que mencionaría es que la regulación se está acercando. Ya ha comenzado. Europa, como siempre, va por delante. Francia va por delante de Europa. Estados Unidos está empezando a ponerse al día. Y esto significa que muchos de los trabajos de nearshoring que vendrán a nosotros en América Latina, muchas de las empresas en EE. UU. y en la UE que contratarán deudas latinoamericanas, en los próximos tres a<

GreenIO Author - Jill TELLIER
Written by Jill TELLIER
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