
Episode 46 - Green SEO with Natalie Arney and Stuart Davies

October 07, 2024 - 2 minutes reading
GreenIO Blog - Episode 46 - Green SEO with Natalie Arney and Stuart Davies

Optimal SEO = Green SEO?

Stuart Davies (Creative Bloom) and Natalie Arney (SEO Consultant) are Gaël Duez’s latest guests on Green IO. Involved in digital strategy, tech issues, UX or content management, discover how SEO has a pivotal role in enhancing green IT practices.

🎧Listen to E46 here.

🌰🐿️ In a nutshell
Optimal is not necessarily green, but green is definitely optimal. 

Core web vitals *do* help reduce environmental impact: 

🔝🔫✈The need for speed -  size does matter
🔎 Manage long tail content strategies 
🎯 Make content relevant (not just volume)
⚖️ Lighten javascript (or have fallback)
❌ Avoid vanity metrics

🦾But you can go ‘one step beyond!’ 🕶️ optimal by pushing for Green SEO 💯
Our guests Stuart and Natalie 💚 kindly shared methods to use and quick wins to help you drive efficiency and sustainability. Examples include:

🌿 resources in helping find accredited renewable energy data hosts
🌿 access to Green SEO playbooks
🌿 crawlers for tracking carbon emissions
🌿 understand how to block bad bots.

Discussion also includes recent industry examples of Green SEO in action, and which pitfalls to avoid.

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Written by Jill TELLIER

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