“I will survive!” ?
And a bit more actually. Green IO ?️ will start its second season next week after reaching 22 episodes, 34 guests and … 10K listeners ?. Time for another transparency exercice about its audience, its guests, our failures and what to expect in season 2 ?️.
The followers ?
Green IO now has 700+ followers (Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, mailing list, …) and shows no sign of slowing down. ?Cherry on top of the cake, our Linkedin page also passed the 1K followers milestone with minimalistic community management, to say the least ?
This summer the Green IO podcast reached its 10K listener milestone (downloads following IAB v2 standard + Spotify streams), with 0€ ads budget! ? But wait… Isn’t it a vanity metric? In some ways yes, because these podcast metrics are not at all reliable. It's the wild west out there! Just as the web metrics were 20 years ago. ? But overall, the audience is going up whatever the platform being used to track it ?.
Green IO aims to connect responsible technologists all over the world and … it works! Green IO listeners come from more than 40 countries on 5 different continents ???. Europe has provided 75% of its audience overall, but its share is decreasing over time, and we have regular listeners from Singapore, Argentina, Australia, India, etc. And of course the trend is definitely upward in the USA and Canada.
In April, we reached 1000 listeners per month … and never did it again ?. Because I could not keep up the pace of 2 episodes per month without jeopardizing either the quality of each episode or the quality of my consulting activities, as well as my other volunteering activities ( Digital Collage, ClimateAction.tech CIC, Climate Fresk, …). On top of that, our production pipeline was too much “just-in-time”: a couple of reschedules with our guests, and we missed deadlines.
What did we do about it? I’ve now decided to release an episode every 3 weeks and I used the (Northern-hemisphere) summer break to pack an incredible roster for the next 10 episodes!
Some episodes, despite the quality of their guests, did not find their audience. Perhaps a weak online presence of some guests explains part of it. More generally, the battle for attention fought by any content provider is fierce and the algorithms are usually not that friendly with new content aiming to reach a diversified audience.
What did we do about it? Eventually, I had to acknowledge that organic growth is excruciatingly slow (to quote my friend Mathieu Maréchal) and I have to be a bit more proactive. 3 main actions were considered:
I decided to renew Green IO media partnership with apidays for their sustainability track. And I could work with other conferences as long as they have the same commitment and impeccable track record in greening our software industry.
I started to reach out directly to people on LinkedIn when I saw someone who could truly benefit from the podcast (you might be one of them reading this article, thanks for accepting the invite!). I will not disclose my acceptance rate because sales folks will hate me for that. ?
I will invest a bit more in advertising on professional newsletters (like Claudia Guerreiro's or Dr. Milan Milanović 's). Actually, it will depend on how many public conferences I sign until the end of year because sponsorship doesn’t come cheap. ?
To put it simply: almost everything worked well!
Great thought leaders and doers in Digital Sustainability have a lot to share and are willing to do it in the show. I reckon less than 20% of the people I contact decline.
The double guest format got highly positive feedback (good rhythm, better understanding, thanks to the variety of point of views, etc.) and is now the default rule. On top of it, I’m always trying to have guests from different countries, as well as gender parity. ♀️♂️
By the way, gender parity was an alert in my last wrap-up … not anymore. Green IO’s cruising speed is now 50/50 since the beginning of 2023. ?
Another alert was the geographical & diversity bias ?️. With guests from Singapore, Rwanda and soon from Columbia, Mexico and Japan, the share of the guests based in Europe and North America is slowly decreasing.
Cherry on top of the cake, I think 80% of my recordings over the past 9 months ended with the co-guests saying “it was great meeting you. Let’s stay in touch to talk more about
I have to confess something about myself… I’m too curious ? And I’m also too keen on systemic approaches to focus solely on a specific topic. A podcast is a journey, and when I meet great people, I want to share it with the listeners. Plus, the - much-welcomed - blossoming of specialized podcasts ( SUX - The Sustainable UX Network, Digital Responsibility, This is HCD, Environment Variables, …) strengthen Green IO’s positioning as a generalist Digital Sustainability podcast. But to help you navigate its episodes, Green IO will be structured around 2 specific goals, starting in season 2:
We also created the Green IO Season 1 Podcast Guide where all episodes are listed across several areas: Website & apps sustainability, Cloud & hosting sustainability, Sustainable design and environmental impact, Environmental impact of AI and Data, Deploying sustainability in IT and Exploring sustainability beyond Tech.
Yes it’s teasing …I know, I’m a bad person.? Until EOY you can expect candid discussions about:
More than ever, Green IO’s success relies on its listeners. To empower the millions of workers in the IT industry with knowledge in sustainability and greener skills, we need to leverage 2 tools: platform visibility and referrals.
When someone searches a Sustainability podcast on Spotify or Apple, Green IO rarely appears in the top results. The only way to overcome this is reviewing and rating - 5 stars of course! Once you’ve done it, ask your colleagues and friends to do the same! A simple ratio comparing highly successful youtubers and podcasters: 1 vote on Spotify equals 1K likes on a YT video. Your rating has tremendous weight! ?️
Spontaneously, in 2022, some listeners started to share episodes which they enjoyed via social media (mostly LinkedIn). It attracted many new listeners. So if you enjoy an episode, proudly share it to reach out to more responsible technologists, like you ?
One last thing … Green IO will announce its move into other media in September! ?
Stay connected so you don’t miss the news: either hit the bell on LinkedIn ? or subscribe to our mailing list (or just send an email to [email protected]).